Trying to Decide
Do I push the send button to buy two tickets to New York so that Ronald and I can attend the Ad Age Hispanic Creative Awards Gala this Friday evening? We don't yet know if we have tickets to the event, so the executive decision here is whether to go regardless or wait until we're sure in order to book. But what if the flights sell out? I luv JetBlue and feel like they love me back. Mijita Evelyn has graciously invited us to stay at her home in Park Slope, and it's been many months since we've seen each other. That grounds me, because it makes the trip more meant to be. The big question is whether I wait for Ronald in order to confirm, or do it myself as a voilá moment. What will he think about a 7:15 am departure out of Ft. Lauderdale? I think I'll wait a minute or two. But let me put it out there; I am visualizing lovely interactions, and the thrill of experiencing New York together. I see us three on Sunday morning sipping Bustelo on the hammock in Evelyn...
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